Doctoral Promotion Exam Agung Ari Chandra Wibawa, S.Si.,M.Si News and Activities


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Taking place in the Postgraduate Program Hall at Udayana University, a Doctoral Promotion examination took place in the name of Agung Ari Chandra Wibawa, S.Si., M.Si with the dissertation title: "The Effect and Mechanism of Action of Cocoa Bean Ethanol Extract (Theobroma cacao L.) on Content Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase, 4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal and Forkhead Box-3a in Wistar Rats with Maximal Physical Activity."

This time the open exam was led by the Dean of FK Unud Prof. Dr. Dr. Komang Januartha Putra Pinatih, M.Kes with the examining team:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putra Manuaba, M.Phil (Promoter)

2. Prof. drh. I Nyoman Mantik Astawa, Ph.D (Copromoter I)

3. Prof. Dr. Dr. I Made Jawi, M.Kes (Copromotor II)

4. Prof. Dr. Dr. I Wayan Putu Sutirta Yasa, M.Sc

5. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Wahjuni, M. Kes

6. Prof. Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suaniti, M.Sc

7. Prof. Dr. Dra. Ni Wayan Bogoriani, M.Sc

8. Prof. Dra. Ni Luh Watiniasih, M.Sc., Ph.D

9. Dr. Dr. I Made Sudarmaja, M. Kes

10.Dr. Anak Agung Bawa Putra, S.Sc., M.Sc

Meanwhile, academic invitations are:

1.Dr. Ida Ayu Gede Widihati, S.Si., M.Sc

2.Dr. Dr. Made Agus Hendrayana, M.Ked

3.Dr. Dr. Syuma Adhy Awan, M.Kes.,Sp.GK(K)

4.Dr. Dr. I Wayan Sugiritama, M.Kes

5. Dr. apt. Ketut Agus Adrianta, S. Farm., M. Biomed

In this exam, Agung Ari Chandra Wibawa, S.Si., M.Si passed as the 430th graduate of the Udayana Doctorate and received the title of Very Satisfactory